QR-User Login

All players within CitySide Sports are required to create a QR-User Account. This account is used acrosss both our website, and mobile app. By creating an account, you are able to check in before each game to record your attendance (for finals qualification), and ensures you are covered for our Personal Accident Insurance (no check-in, no coverage). This account is also used for those wanting to register and manage your own team, or sign up for one of our teams of individuals.

Please login, or click Register to create an account.

Log in to your CitySide QR-User Account

Enter your email address to reset your password:

We just sent you an email with a 6 digit code! Please check your spam folder if not in your inbox.

Password requires 8+ characters, 1 letter and 1 number. You will need to also log in to our mobile app with the same password, so make it something you can remember!

Please complete to start the registration process:

Password requires 8+ characters, 1 letter and 1 number. You will need to also log in to our mobile app with the same password, so make it something you can remember!

By clicking SUBMIT, you are accepting our Terms and conditions

We just sent you an email with a 6 digit code! Please check your spam folder if not in your inbox.

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